- HUMAN ROBOT INTERACTION DESIGN|ヒューマンロボットインタラクションデザイン
一橋大学で競争戦略論を専攻。2016年にソウルで開催されたマサチューセッツ工科大学グローバルアントレプレナーシップブートキャンプにてチーム優勝。Ars Electronica FuturelabにてCreative Producerとしても活動。
Si-Fi, リアルを問わずロボット好き。自然を愛し、第二の故郷オーストリアと大好きなカナダの森に戻ることを夢見ている。
- “Meet ASIMO in Deep Space” (2010):オーストリアの世界的文化研究機関Ars Electronicaと行った、世界初の人とロボットのインタラクション実験
- ISO/TC 299/WG 7 “Management system for service robots” エキスパート委員
- 日本ロボット工業会 マニピュレータを備えたサービスロボット等標準化調査専門委員会(サービスロボット安全運用マネジメントWG/SWG)委員
- セーフティサブアセッサ
- セーフティベーシックアセッサ(機械運用安全)
- PARC エスノグラフィーイノベーションワークショップ(IWS)修了
- Recognition in Disciplined Entrepreneurship – MIT
As a product planner and business strategist, Shoko built her career at Honda Motor. In ASIMO business development, she led several out-of-lab experiments in and out of Japan. She developed experience as a lead product manager of top-car models and contributed to their success in the competitive market. To gain a practical understanding of digital transformation in social infrastructure, as the foundation of automotive technology, she switched her career to engage in IoT social infrastructure renovation projects in Tokyo, London, and Chicago. In 2016, Shoko launched incubion: social robotics laboratory, that aims at bridging technology and society to bring them into a better life.
Majored in competitive strategy at Hitotsubashi University. 1st place winning team of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp program Class3 in 2016. Also worked at Ars Electronica Futurelab as a creative producer.
Passionate about robots, both in real and SiFi. A nature lover always wants to come back to Austrian and Canadian forests.
- “Meet ASIMO in Deep Space” (2010) Ars Electronica, Austria: the world-first human-robot interaction experiment
- ISO/TC 299/WG 7 “Management system for service robots” Committee Experts
- Safety Sub Assessor (JC)
- Safety Basic Assessor(JC)
- PARC Ethnography Innovation Workshop Certified Student
- Recognition in Disciplined Entrepreneurship – MIT