Support building management system standards for robots used for service applications
September, 2020 – July, 2023
関連リンク:ロボットサービスの安全に関する国際規格案の審議が開始 産業技術総合研究所 2020年9月2日
ISO TC299 WG7 : Management system for Service Robots
- Organizer: 日本ロボット工業会
The more robots are used in public/semi-public environments with service applications, the wider variety of risks arise in human-robot interaction. Incubion supports building international standards of safety management systems for robots used in service contexts, as experts.
Compared to industrial robots, which are supposed to be used only in closed areas and are operated by trained personnel, service robots are expected to provide service safely in unstructured spaces full of people with different levels of knowledge about robot interaction.
In addition to the safety requirements in the design of robots(*), it is necessary to systemize and document an optimal methodology to operate robot services safely. As a member of the ISO committee, we are privileged to engage in global discussion that envisions a world where robots and humans coexist comfortably.
*ISO13482 specifies requirements and guidelines for the safe design of service robots
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST): ISO launched a new working group to develop management systems for Service Robot, release 2nd Sep 2020.
ISO TC299 WG7: Management system for Service Robots
- Organizer : Japan Robot Association

Chart for discussion: classification of stakeholders in the scenario where robots are used in service applications